Save Money on Your Insurance
Insurance is often a costly burden, but if you pay attention and do a little prep work, there is a lot of money to be saved. Here we give you some good advice on what you should pay attention to. For most students, household insurance and accident insurance will be enough to have a safe everyday life. With these insurance policies, you are protected against burglary, fire, water damage, the damage you cause to others through no fault of your own, as well as accidents in relation to your own health, such as dental damage.
Often, other insurances will not be able to respond in relation to the probability of coverage and real coverage value, except if you are a car owner and must have insurance, as well as travel insurances, which are often included in the contents insurance. Before you take out your contents and accident insurance, however, there are a few aspects you should be aware of.
Take advantage of discount schemes
The price of insurance is individually determined and therefore fluctuates a lot. The price level of contents insurance depends, for example, on where you live, how big your home is and so on. An accident insurance depends on the type of work you have and what activities you engage in which may, for example, be harmful to your health.
If you are a member of a trade union or are considering joining one, then it is a good idea to check what discount schemes they have on insurance. Most unions have discounts on both household and accident insurance, which in some places can save you up to 3,000 annually as a student.
Take precautions
Before taking out insurance, there are a few precautions you should be aware of. First of all, it would be stupid to be double insured. You should therefore check whether you are insured elsewhere, such as through your bank.
It may also be a good idea to investigate the possibility of shared insurance if you live with someone else. If it is a partner you live with, you will often be covered, while the terms vary if it is just a friend or a partner. It is therefore a good idea to check with the insurance company whether you are covered under other people’s insurances if you live under the same roof.
Get to know things thoroughly
It is not always worthwhile to buy several policies from the same company, even if they offer a discount, because often you have to buy a more expensive policy to get the discount. It is therefore important to familiarize yourself thoroughly with the prices and compare with other companies. For example, you can compare prices, cover and excess on the insurance guide.
Use negotiation to get the price down
Once you’ve found a few interesting offers, follow up by writing to the company. It is often possible to negotiate a better price. There is a price war between the insurance companies, and therefore they are interested in capturing as many customers as possible. However, the most important thing is that you arrive at a price that is reasonable for you.