Children’s mental health: How to seek care

It is not unusual to feel bad at times in life, and we at here for you and your child. Even you as a parent can turn here for advice and support in your parenting. You can contact your health center in the first place if your child is unwell, in some regions you can turn to specialist care. Here you can read more about how to proceed.
For you who are parents
You as a parent can turn to your care center for advice and support in your parenting. The process of seeking care for your child or young person may differ depending on the region you live in, but a typical flow of care may look something like this.
You contact your healthcare center, either via app, online or through a physical visit.
During the first contact with care, you can receive advice, support and treatment. If additional needs need to be met, you can get guidance for further help.
If continued treatment contact is needed, a referral to specialist psychiatry is sent.
If you suspect that your child has a neuropsychiatric disability, you can read more about how to proceed here.
For those who want to seek care themselves
Young people with their own BankID can seek care themselves, but we always recommend that there is some type of parental contact involved as well. This is how you proceed when you, as a young person, want to seek care.
You contact your healthcare centre, either via the app, online or through a physical visit.
During the visit, we review what is bothering you and how we can best help you. Even if you can apply yourself as a young person, guardians need to be informed about the contact. If information comes to light that causes concern among healthcare staff, guardians will be contacted.
If necessary, you will receive a referral to specialist psychiatry.
What are the most common search reasons today among children and young people?
When measurements have been taken among school children in Sweden, the vast majority state that they are often in a good mood and feel satisfied with life and themselves, but there are also quite a few children and young people who state that they have psychological problems. When examining what children and young people with recurring problems experience, the vast majority state that they experience worry, anxiety, depression, bad mood and sleep problems as a problem. For those who seek care, it is usually various types of anxiety, depression and symptoms such as concentration difficulties that are sought for.