How does Social Media Link with Digital Marketing?

As some of you would know social media can link to digital marketing in somewhat ways. As social media is now one of the largest trends around the world with everyone hooked onto their phones, computer and tablets scrolling through Twitter, Face book, Instagram, Tumbler etc. There is now a growing trend in business using social media to grab their audience’s attention. What to know how they do this? Keep reading on…
Social media has been around for a long time; however, digital marketing has only been around for couple of years. Some people may hear that social media has essentially transformed marketing. Digital marketers make the most of their “powers” of social media marketing by using a strategic approach by having to share it to the leading commentators and companies such as Now everyone must be thinking “How does a social medium link into digital marketing?” I shall tell you how it does.
Facebook pages are advanced in terms of their page overall. This would mean that if a business wants to advertise and market a product on a Facebook page as it would mean that they would be able to have more space. However, on Facebook on the sides of a page users tend to get targeted to what they recently looked, for example if you recently went onto ASOS, it would mean that the website would use your cookies, and target you again on Facebook. From May 2015, 93% of businesses marketers use Facebook to promote or make the audience aware of their brand. From some findings from 2011 attributed it showed that there was 84% “engagement” or clicks to Likes that would link back to a Facebook advertising. However, by 2014 Facebook had restricted their content published from businesses and brands’ pages.
Nearly everyone knows about Twitter now a days, and a majority of people have Twitter accounts, let it be a personal Twitter account, or even an account dedicated to a celebrity etc. However, if digital marketers advertise on Twitter, they need to consider that there is a 140-character limit. Yes, that true on Twitter you can only write up to 140 characters! However, the post would only stand out to the “followers” of the account. Though recently if businesses pay Twitter, they are able to optimize their tweet and “promote” it onto Twitter for people who may not even be following them. Twitter is also used by companies to provide their customers some customer services if they have any problems. Some companies make support available 24/7 and answer straightaway, therefore improving brand loyalty and appreciation.
YouTube is now owned by Google, so day by day for years it’s been growing. Now who hasn’t been on YouTube and said “Yeah I’m only going to be on this for half an hour” and then 4 hours later they finally get off it. This just proves that YouTube is growing and that people go onto YouTube to find tutorials or just for a laugh. However little do some of the audience’s know that YouTube is great for business to advertise to their target audience? YouTube are able to tailor their audience by their taste and style and also what they recently looked at to match them with an advertisement which would be suitable and also indulging to their audience. To make some money online you must try this website wolf winner casino. For example, if the user typed in a video on training a dog, then they may be presented with a sponsored video from a dog toy company in results along with other videos.
Hash tags and Social Media
By using hash tags on social media, especially on Twitter and Instagram, businesses are raising the bar from making their post be ordinary to optimizing it to the fullest. This means that if businesses use “#” it would mean the people would click onto the hash tag and see how other people have been using that very hashtag. For example, if a business wants to promote and market their product or even do a competition, then they would put out a post they would have the hash tag, and ask their audience to use that hashtag and from there they would be able to analyze their findings about what their audience through about the product/service that they were promoting.