Development in Digital Technology
The development in terms of digital technology is progressing rapidly. What you should consider when choosing between different systems and platforms for your own digitization is the long term. By mainly choosing large suppliers that have been on the market for a long time, you protect yourself against ending up in systems that do not continue to develop and where it can be difficult to export data to new systems. An example of such a long-term supplier is micro-soft. Microsoft offers everything from cloud services to various programs for word processing and calculations.
Digitalize or die is a message that is trumpeted a little here and there, and although for some it may be perceived as a clumsy formulation, most must still agree that there is probably a lot of truth in the statement. The future of many companies will depend entirely on their ability to adapt to the new conditions. Therefore, of course, it may seem quite strange that so many people are still without an action plan.
A disadvantage is that it takes time to implement digitization and it also requires knowledge. The change work itself should not be underestimated, to be successful requires good knowledge of both modern technology, but also of the specific needs and conditions of the business.
The work can also be both time- and resource-demanding, and there is also the risk of encountering many obstacles within the organization, both in the form of technical conditions, but also employees who oppose. Not being able to afford to digitize is an argument that is sometimes put forward.
Digitization is crucial for the company’s survival and therefore it is important to re-prioritize resources to be able to carry out the work. Besides, it doesn’t actually have to be that expensive. If you prioritize the work correctly, you can often achieve quick effects that can mean a quick return on the invested.
We at further attach great importance to precisely this in our advice. We have also developed a current situation analysis that, with the least possible effort from our client, in both time and invested, delivers recommendations for improvements that can add immediate operational benefit and cost savings.
The journey towards becoming a more digital organization must permeate the entire business , not just the activities carried out towards the customer. Recruitment, training/development of staff and many other internal processes are also affected to the highest degree.