Spring Clean Your Finances

Clear out any unnecessary expenses and get more time, energy and money for more enjoyable things. We have collected some tips on how you can easily and effectively spring clean your finances.
How did your finances look last year?
Review the past six months and evaluate what worked well and what didn’t work well with your finances. Is there perhaps something you wish the money had been enough for? Once you have a complete overview of your finances, it is much easier to create a budget.
Save using an app
Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to know where one’s money actually goes. To get a clear overview of your expenses, there are several smart apps you can use. This can be linked to your card or bank account and, based on that, sets up your spending using categories, charts, bars and savings tips. My services instead keep track of your subscriptions regarding everything from electricity to mobile and insurance. With you select grocery stores you want offers from, set surveillance on goods you want to be notified of when they come at extra prices and make shopping lists.
Make a budget
After you’ve gone through your expenses and now have a better idea of where your money is going, it’s time to make a budget. Check out our article with 8 smart tips on how to create a budget – and actually stick to it!
Clear and sell
One way to increase your savings is to find things that can provide a little extra income. You probably have a lot of stuff and clothes you don’t actually use, and therefore no longer need? Do a spring cleaning there too – clear wardrobes and cupboards of everything from clothes and shoes, to furniture and crockery and sell online! Good for both the environment and the wallet.
Rent out
If you don’t have things to sell, you can try renting them out! This applies to both things and accommodation. What weeks is the summer cottage empty? Then maybe someone else can stay there for a few weekends or weeks, while you get a little extra in the account. And that jigsaw in the storeroom is mostly unused, isn’t it? Tools and machines are things that are not actually used very much, so make sure to rent them out for a week or so when you are not using them. Win-win!
Get a savings account with interest
You may already be saving regularly, but are you doing it in an interest-bearing account? No matter what your goals are with your savings, an interest-bearing account is efficient, safe and the money grows without you actually having to do anything. With the help of BankID, you can open a savings account in a few minutes.