Digitization and Digital Development

When we talk about digitization, we don’t just mean the transition from analog to automatic processes – but it’s about the entire digital development. Digitization means using new, digital technology, innovative systems and solutions to make businesses more modern, efficient and flexible.
The transition to digital solutions is in most cases also necessary for your business to be able to simplify and improve its work processes. To understand what digitization really means, we must first take a step back and see the big picture.
In the near future, digitization will largely be about making it something more than just a support function, it is today part of the business’s dna. This means that businesses that want to be leaders in their segment must first and foremost increase their digital competence internally. It is also important that not only the it manager but the entire management understands the potential of the new digital technology.
In other words, digitization is not only about replacing the physical archive with cloud storage or about streamlining work processes. Digitization is about using it and digital solutions to further develop the business, facilitate growth and at the same time maintain a high level of security.
Digitization is restructuring, restructuring is digitization for almost all businesses, digitization involves a form of restructuring to a greater or lesser extent. In short , digitization consists of using either new or existing digital technology in new ways, and in ways that make the business change. Those who succeed best in this transition are those who adapt their strategy to align with these changes.
In the era of digitization, it is also important not to let the past ruin the future. You must dare to let go of old methods and allocate both money and resources where they will be needed in the future. But that doesn’t mean you have to scrap the solutions you already have: instead, use new technologies to improve your current solutions and focus on building bridges between existing and new solutions. Here you will find signs that your business needs digitization.
The biggest challenge in digitization has nothing to do with the technology itself. It often lies in getting the business to adapt to the new solutions. It is how you and all employees relate to the technological changes that are decisive for the success of the business.
So when you start digitizing your business, you also have to work with the people. To succeed with digital transformation, it is necessary that both management and employees are on board. Therefore, it is a must to ensure that the entire business is willing to implement new digital technology and routines, and let go of outdated solutions.