Digital Channels Work

Our Facebook sales pipeline can be measurably extended through the entire purchase process. With banner advertising, it is possible to reach new target groups inexpensively. YouTube video ads are one of the cheapest ways to reach the masses. Washes TV and magazine ads 6-0 (as Facebook and google banners also do) search engine optimization is aimed at the information search stage and especially informative searches in search engines. Google ad-words advertising shoots for purchasing searches when the customer is already looking for a specific product or service.
Websites are one of the most important parts of digital marketing. No matter how much traffic is brought to the website, but it’s boring, the party will be cut short. Re-marketing re-advertising woos those customers who have already seen previous level advertising or have already visited the website, but have not yet purchased. The functions of channels in digital marketing. When the different channels can be bundled together, the entire purchase process can be covered and thus also talk about a digital sales pipeline.
Gone are the days when different channels were implemented one by one. In order to get the best performance out of all channels, the meters must be in good condition, both channel-specific and multi-channel. We are able to measure the price of an individual lead to the nearest cent and show which part of the credit belongs to which channel. When the digital sales pipeline is developed with the help of precise metrics, we are able to target each market square precisely and we are able to develop marketing based on a single search term, a single advertisement or a single price offer.
Traditional door-to-door sales and telephone customer acquisition effectively map out customers whose needs already exist at least on some level. In connection with this, when a digital sales pipeline is built, the active sales model can be significantly more effective and, in addition, new customers can be reached. We also reach out to those customers who cannot be reached through the hatch or by phone. Let’s reach the customers of the current target group even cheaper.
Let’s be the first to influence the customer’s purchase process before competitors. We create demand and arouse the need. The deal percentage increases. The effectiveness of the organization increases (which raises the emotional state of the entire organization). We get a better price from the customer. The acceptance rate on the phone increases. Lead quality improves. Customer satisfaction increases. The total income from marketing and sales increases. All different parts of marketing can be measured with record accuracy. Not a single euro goes past the meters. The customer’s purchase process can be measured already after he has seen the first ad.