Business Optimization and Development


In order to be successful in each box, companies need to develop different skills, working methods and leadership. For an organization to be capable of continuous change, companies need to develop the ability to simultaneously optimize their current operations and at the same time explore new business areas. The challenge lies in the fact that business optimization and business development require different kinds of leadership, processes and methods to be successful. An optimized business has a greater focus on efficiency, productivity, incremental improvement and secure proven practices.

A business development business needs to be more agile. Flexible and able to operate in a more uncertain environment. Here, many companies find it a challenge to be able to build structures and allocate resources that allow the company to simultaneously work with optimization and development. In order to have the ability to be able to develop in a positive direction, the company needs to create an insight that the business of the future is being built every day and that it requires skills in being able to sense changes in its environment. These changes can be based on technology, customers, laws, competitors, etc.

It is also not enough for companies to understand what changes are taking place, but the company also needs to have the ability to respond to the opportunity or threat by allocating resources for this, sometimes even at the expense of existing resources. Company managers will also have to learn to deal with the tensions that can arise between work processes that work with optimization and development.

A practical tool to optimize today’s business and develop tomorrow’s business is the three box solution. This tool is built on three metaphorical boxes. Box number one is about how a company learns to optimize today’s business. Box number two is about how companies work every day to be able to develop tomorrow’s business and box number three is about which processes, working methods the company needs to change in today’s business in order to enable tomorrow’s business.

It is important to be able to optimize today’s business as today’s business enables tomorrow’s business. At the same time, tomorrow’s business is crucial for the company’s long-term survival. There are also things within today’s business that can stand in the way of the company being able to make a transition to tomorrow’s business. These processes and working methods that can get in the way are something that the company needs to learn to gradually phase out.

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